There’s a lot of ways the game achieves this bridge, but the flipping focus more on bridging the exploration and puzzle parts as well as making the cubic design of the game easier to implement. It was an attempt to bridge 2 distinct genre: the platforming of a 2D classic Super Mario Bros game and the RPG aspect of the Paper Mario series. If you are asking this question, you probably haven’t heard or played SPM because it is the very core mechanic of the game. Let’s first do the basic What is flipping in SPM? I hope I can find more so I can bring more glitch hunting related post to this blog, but this one was a good start at least. It is such a simple mechanic to use, but when testing it, it took me 2 weeks to completely figure it out due to how much stuff I had to figure out to just TEST it. One of the in my opinion most complex mechanic of Super Paper Mario (which I will call SPM from now on) is the core one: the flipping mechanic. Now, as I was streaming my glitch hunting session, I realised that I could use my blog to post about complex findings I would do that talks deeply about the engineering of the game I am testing. First, I know I haven’t posted for around 2 weeks, but I had to take a break as my semester just ended and I really got happy to finally be back on glitch hunting Super Paper Mario.